Leica Digilux 2 Review- Still A Contender
Leica 'Digilux 2' 5MP Digital Camera with 3.2x Optical Zoom
Point & Shoot Digital Cameras)
Leica 'Digilux 2' 5MP Digital Camera with 3.2x Optical Zoom
Ever a fan of rangefinders and rangefinder styled cameras, it was inevitable that I'd end up with the Leica Digilux 2- the sister camera to Panasonic's LC1 (to which I also have owned several samples). I've been on the hunt for one for a while now, but I've always felt the price too expensive when compared to the LC1. Both cameras hold incredible value and are still very expensive for the most part on the used market. Patience, they say, is a virtue. I tend to think patience is a decision- but that is beside the point.