Olympus Stylus XZ-10- In For Review
July 2013 Carl Garrard
Today Photographic-Central received the Olympus Stylus XZ-10 for review, and I've had about 5 minutes with the camera (while I'm down for the count here at home). For reminder, this is an enthusiastic level pocket compact camera with a 26-130mm f/1.8-2.7 lens and loaded with tons of features. My first 5 minutes/impressions with this camera have been extremely impressive. This has to be the fastest focusing pocket compact I've ever used, and its build quality is equally impressive. The control dial and zoom toggle feel absolutely perfect - well sprung so they aren't fiddly. There is of course much more to share about the XZ-10 and I will do so. Please check in soon and likely I'll have a review up. For now you can check out the specifications etc on the link below.
Olympus XZ-10 Best Price Searched!

July 2013 Carl Garrard
Today Photographic-Central received the Olympus Stylus XZ-10 for review, and I've had about 5 minutes with the camera (while I'm down for the count here at home). For reminder, this is an enthusiastic level pocket compact camera with a 26-130mm f/1.8-2.7 lens and loaded with tons of features. My first 5 minutes/impressions with this camera have been extremely impressive. This has to be the fastest focusing pocket compact I've ever used, and its build quality is equally impressive. The control dial and zoom toggle feel absolutely perfect - well sprung so they aren't fiddly. There is of course much more to share about the XZ-10 and I will do so. Please check in soon and likely I'll have a review up. For now you can check out the specifications etc on the link below.
Olympus XZ-10 Best Price Searched!