Monday, May 31, 2021

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 3

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 3
May 2021, Carl Garrard
Part III  in the K3 Mk III series, I'll go over build quality, ergonomics, and features. And I just have to take a moment to say that I'm really pleased to be doing a comprehensive review series on this camera. Ricoh's Pentax K3 Mk III is entirely new from the ground up, with every aspect of its design having been redesigned and improved compared to it's K3 predecessors (and previous Pentax DSLRs), one short review would not cut it. Quite honestly there's been more of a learning curve with the K3 Mk III than I expected. Sure it's still mostly familiar like most Pentax DSLRs, but there's a lot of new stuff here. So when I decided to do an in depth review like this, I realized that I really needed to dig into it, report its fine points, and test everything from the ground up. I think that's the only way you're really going to get to know a camera from the outside in. So far, and to my surprise, there haven't been any stick-out-like-a-sore-thumb moments with the K3 Mk III. There have been  no disappointments that reside in my personal deal breaker category.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 2

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 2
May 2021, Carl Garrard

Ricoh's Pentax K3 Mk III is an impressive, gargantuan effort. Especially so considering that the world has been in crazy lock down mode for well over a year now. Despite that, Ricoh has been hard at work behind the scenes. From its engineers to the I.T department, to its marketing department and i's production facilities, Ricoh was on a mission to bring the K3 Mk III to the world. The depth of the effort that went into this camera's release is more apparent the more I spend time reading about it. I don't recall ever seeing so many pro photographers chiming in about a Pentax camera so soon after its release, whether that's the photographers on Ricoh's special website, or all of the others I'm seeing on the net. I'm quickly getting the impression here that the K3 Mk III represents more than just a new DSLR release, it also represents photographers who appreciate a DSLR's unique capabilities and heritage. Ricoh pushed back, and said no to conformity, and I for one, and all for it. I decided that with as much effort that Ricoh made to bring this camera to us, so too will be the effort that I make to review it properly. Feel free to skip past the Open Mic section if you don't want to hear my thoughts on the market reception of the K3 Mk III thus far.