Ricoh GR Digital IV: Ricoh's Digital GR IV Still Reigns
April 2018, Carl Garrard
Why does this particular GR still matter? Well, it always will in the line up of GR lore because it's smaller, lighter, and has a faster lens than its bigger GR I/II successors. Ricoh's GR Digital IV is definitely a complimentary camera to the large
sensor GR's with both types having distinct advantages that can give you
awesome results. This camera is the reason the larger sensor GR's are as
good as they are today, so remember that. Having met and worked with Ricoh under NDA with it's
employees in the past, I can tell you first hand that they are all
photographers that look out for our best interests in camera design, and
it shows in the final products. The GR Digital IV is no different.
April 2018, Carl Garrard