Panasonic Lumix DC-ZS70K Review- The Pocket FZ1000
July 2017, Carl Garrard
So I'm out and about on a hike recently shooting with one of my favorite compacts, and I run into a pretty rare bird of prey that lands on a branch not too far on the other side of the hill from me. I sneak up and find him, get him sighted on my camera and zoom all the way in. I make a few shots of the Coopers Hawk. I know full well that I don't have the zoom range with this camera to get close enough for an excellent shot, but at least ill be able to crop the image later and document him. After I post the image online, I'm thinking, well... it would be really nice to have a small compact camera with a longer zoom that I could grab much closer shots of this bird with. It was time to look at the market again and see what I could find out there. More of the story continued...
Panasonic DC-ZS70K Lumix Amazon Best Price
July 2017, Carl Garrard

Panasonic DC-ZS70K Lumix Amazon Best Price