Samsung NX10 Mini Review
March 2011, Carl Garrard

Brief Overview
Sales Chatter- Samsungs' NX10 DILC mirrorless camera was first to the photography market that incorporated a APS-C sized sensor. Along with that 14.6mp sensor they included 720p HD video, a 3" AMOLED screen, a 921k electronic viewfinder, ultrasonic noise reduction, and a host of good features and very good external controls and handling for a price w/kit lens at $699.99 USD.
March 2011, Carl Garrard
Brief Overview
Sales Chatter- Samsungs' NX10 DILC mirrorless camera was first to the photography market that incorporated a APS-C sized sensor. Along with that 14.6mp sensor they included 720p HD video, a 3" AMOLED screen, a 921k electronic viewfinder, ultrasonic noise reduction, and a host of good features and very good external controls and handling for a price w/kit lens at $699.99 USD.