My Favorite Nikon DSLRS: Df, D610, D500, and D800
November 2022, Carl Garrard

My inspiration for this article arose from the personal experiences I'vd had over the last few years with my favorite Nikon DSLR's. This article is by no means an attempt to sway anyone's opinion of, nor defend my purchases for, these four Nikon cameras. Rather, I decided that it was important to share my opinions with other photographers. Mostly it is intended for those who are newer to photography or to those photographers that are reorganizing a new kit. Frankly, at times we can all use some experienced wisdom or insight in order to help us decide on what gear to outfit ourselves with. As such, it's important to anyone reading this to know that I have owned almost every single DSLR in Nikon's inventory (with exception to the D5/6 and D850). In addition, I own multiple camera systems from multiple companies, and for fifteen years I've been reviewing as many digital cameras and lenses on the internet as possible. This does not take into account any and all previous experience I've had prior to reviewing digital cameras online. I have been a photographer for nearly 32 years now (in one form or another). Therefore it's my hope that sharing my thoughts are then at least somewhat helpful to other photographers out there looking for an honest opinion, all whilst simultaneously trying to navigate their way through the maze of gear choices and other opinions in the internet toilet. Trust me, I know it's not easy.