Tuesday, October 8, 2024

DSLR's Still Rule: The Affordable Nikon D610 Part II

DSLR's Still Rule: The Affordable Nikon D610 Part II
October 2024, Carl Garrard

Near five years later and part II of  my original review is complete, ta-da! Over the years I have put a lot of miles on a couple of D610's since my first article, and I've learned a lot more small details about this camera I wanted to share. I've also been very busy shooting with other Nikon DSLR's so I'm also able to do a few apples to apples comparisons to other bodies available on the used market. Today the D610 still manages to be a pretty affordable option but used prices on a good condition body are starting to increase quite a bit. I won't do a spoiler, but what I will say right off the bat is that this review is going to be positive considering I still own the D610 today and you can bet it's not gathering dust.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Shout Out to Andrew Reid: "Let's Just Be Honest About it"

I don't normally post articles linking to other sites, so this is a rare moment on the blog. The reason for that is because I have always maintained my complete independence with this blog. Sharing links to my favorites wouldn't seem genuine to me (or you). Unless of course the message was such an important point for the photographic community that I just had to make an exception. So here is the exception, and, it comes from a site that I hardly ever visited over the last decade or so (my impression was that it was a video-centric site only, as opposed to photographic centric). Hats off to Andrew for both of these two videos. One so ahead of it's time, and the other just so on point. I completely relate to both and have been saying the same for sometime myself. Amen Andrew, great job on these.

The Gerald Undone Challenge

IT'S FIXED - EOSHD on stage managed camera reviews & influencers (part 1)