Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Upcoming Sony Review? It's Been Five Years!!??

Upcoming Sony Review? It's Been Five Years!!??
July 2018, Carl Garrard

For those of you who haven't followed me from day one, I'll give you a little history. My days of doing camera reviews started way back in 2007 with a site that I took down from the internet called This website was dedicated to Sony's new DSLR system (and Konica Minolta gear), much like or other Sony/Konica Minolta centric sites on the internet today. At that time there were only 3 sites globally dedicated to Sony or Konica Minolta gear (at least for the english speaking world). There, I cut my teeth in reviewing cameras, and have learned so much since then. I grew, and moved on to my own website where I could review any camera I liked, the one you are on now. For whatever reason, I haven't done a full Sony review in over five years. (There may be a prize in store for readers!)

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Stay in The Zone- Leica M8, Leica M-D, Panasonic LC1, Fujifilm X20, Canon G16, Ricoh GR IV

Stay in The Zone- Leica M8, Leica M-D, Panasonic LC1, Fujifilm X20, Canon G16, Ricoh GR IV
July 2018, Carl Garrard

This article will touch on a subject that is hardly discussed in photography groups, but one that I feel is the most extremely important of all- staying in the zone. And what exactly do I mean by staying in the zone? Being in the zone to me at least, in life or in photography, is a mode in which you are in when you are at your most acutely aware, focused, and balanced. It's a moment, or series of moments in your life where you know you are at your optimum self, at your  most capable, and produce your finest works in all aspects of life. I also believe that being in the zone is a moving target, and that it takes supreme honesty and maximum effort of your cognitive skills in order to be there. The zone, to which I will refer in the rest of this article, should be a place we strive to be in as often as possible. To get yourself in the zone often requires a lot of honest self reflection, humility, and complete lack of external and internal distractions alike. You must know your true self "Nosce te ipsum", and then be your true self "Tu ipse esto", wholly, and without any reservations.