Saturday, November 21, 2015

Canon Powershot G5X Review- A Winning Effort?

Canon Powershot G5X Review- A Winning Effort?
November 2015, Carl Garrard
Canon Powershot G5X Review: Canon's Powershot division has always been one of my favorite makers of digital cameras. The G series line has been supremely successful for them since the new millennia. I've personally owned several G series cameras over the years, and retain one to shoot with always. So without much hesitation I thought I've give the new G5X a try and report my findings here to my readers. A little bit about the camera for those who haven't read up on it- basically this is a G7X with a larger body and grip, built in electronic viewfinder, tilt and swivel screen, and quite a few more external controls added. It's obvious to me the G5X is the result of customer feedback- those wanting an "all in one" compact solution with enough controls and a contained viewfinder to give a near DSLR experience without the weight or hassle of a DSLR system. Much like previous G series cameras, such as the G16, the idea here is to court to serious photographers when they don't want to shoot with the high end equipment, but want the best experience and image quality they can get from a compact Canon product. So how well has Canon done to procure and satisfy this client base?

Canon PowerShot G5 X Current Amazon Prices

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ricoh GR Digital IV- Revisiting A Classic

Ricoh GR Digital IV- Revisiting A Classic
November 2015, Carl Garrard
Thorsten Overgaard wrote a wonderful and brilliant review of the Leica Digilux II. In that review he made a very interesting and important observation in a short video about camera equipment. In the review he stated that often times he would often use "inadequate" camera equipment because it would force him to be more creative. Why am I bringing this up?
Simply because I feel the same way at times, that what he said is simply the truth for a lot of us. Yet, there are so few photographers and even less professional photographers that really emphasize the importance being creative with lessor gear. Why is that? 


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sony RX10 vs. Panasonic FZ1000- Powerhouse All Rounders at Bargain Prices

Sony RX10 vs. Panasonic FZ1000- Powerhouses at Bargain Prices
November 2015, Carl Garrard

When I wrote my FZ1000 review, I claimed it was one of the best cameras of the year, if not the best camera of the year. That still holds true, and today the FZ1000 is one of the best deals going for an all round imaging device. Prices are amazing for new, and like new (used) units these days- especially considering what you get. Both cameras have been out for a while, but they are still extremely modern as manufacturers are having a tough time improving new designs- i.e. we are starting to see diminishing returns a bit more. Sony's RX10 is a camera that came out before the FZ1000, and while I never finished my review of that camera, I used it enough to know exactly how it compares to the FZ1000, and recently bought myself a used one (Sony loaned me my first). Both are still superb cameras, and there are some advantages to each camera that make them a more compelling choice based on your own needs. This article outlines the value of these cameras, the capability of these cameras, and a brief comparison of strengths and weaknesses when compared to one another.

Current RX10 Prices Current FZ1000 Prices