Friday, July 5, 2024

Shout Out to Andrew Reid: "Let's Just Be Honest About it"

I don't normally post articles linking to other sites, so this is a rare moment on the blog. The reason for that is because I have always maintained my complete independence with this blog. Sharing links to my favorites wouldn't seem genuine to me (or you). Unless of course the message was such an important point for the photographic community that I just had to make an exception. So here is the exception, and, it comes from a site that I hardly ever visited over the last decade or so (my impression was that it was a video-centric site only, as opposed to photographic centric). Hats off to Andrew for both of these two videos. One so ahead of it's time, and the other just so on point. I completely relate to both and have been saying the same for sometime myself. Amen Andrew, great job on these.

The Gerald Undone Challenge

IT'S FIXED - EOSHD on stage managed camera reviews & influencers (part 1)

Monday, December 18, 2023

Canon EOS 7D Review: 2023

Canon EOS 7D Review: 2023
December 2023, Carl Garrard

Every once in a while a camera will come along that transcends the normally inevitable barrier of aging. Those cameras, being either film or digital, are relatively far and few between. Yet most of these immortal-like cameras are easily identifiable. One only needs to seek out the loyal and dedicated following they have amongst photographers. One such camera I believe deserves this honor (as you've probably guessed), is the Canon EOS 7D. Of which personally I've owned several copies of over time, and I admire its design just as much as the rest of the loyal dedicated lot out there. Though reading back on my article I wrote in 2018 about this lovely camera was a painful experience. I just didn't hit the mark. Sometimes writing is just like that I guess. Needless to say then I suppose that I don't think that I did the EOS 7D any justice.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Gear Spotlight: Ricoh GR IIIX

Ricoh's GR IIIX is one of the most unique compacts you can buy. It's truly pocketable which makes it excellent for street work, vacation shooting, and even for outdoor enthusiasts needing a fully featured pro level camera in a supremely diminutive all metal case that doesn't weigh you down. It's 40mm equivalent focal length caters to many pro-photographers desire for a field of view that is slightly wider than 50mm but just narrower than 35mm for that goldilocks sweet spot shot. Built in image stabilization seals the deal. Pricing and variations here: RICOH GR IIIX 

Gear Spotlight: Canon EOS SL3 DSLR

Canon's EOS SL3 DSLR is a fantastic entry point into photography which gives you many modern features along with an optical viewfinder for classic style photography- blend that you can't get with a mirrorless system. Another selling point is the much lower price of the body and lenses (used prices are even much lower: Used SL3 Link) and if wifi, small size, and touchscreen are important to you, then you are covered! Browse for many more options/combinations here: CANON EOS REBEL SL3 SALE 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Pentax K-3 Mark III Monochrome Edition Announced!

Pentax K-3 Mark III Monochrome Edition
April 2023, Carl Garrard

Today is a great day for photographers. The worlds first production run Monochrome only DSLR has been announced by Ricoh, the Pentax K-3 Mark III Monochrome. As many here should already know, I have two versions of the K3 Mark III already; the original and the Jet Black edition. When I heard this one was finally going from concept to production, I immediately put myself on the notification/mailer availability list . As my review has already stated, the K3 Mark III is the best APS-C DSLR from any manufacturer to date, and I know this version carries over all of the same traits as I have with the other two. Only this version is an even more unique and special one that will help us all laser focus on tonality, subject, and composition using only grey tones. In addition to that, the high ISO performance, detail, tonality, and dynamic range will all be improved over the original model K-3 III. 

Friday, April 7, 2023


Just a quick news item for readers I am proud to share with you all. will soon have a new contributing writer (and moderator) to their site, me! But please don't worry, I will continue this blog as usual and nothing will change here, business as usual. However going forward, I will be also putting efforts into contributing articles/content over at the wonderful website as well. The folks over there (Nasim, Spencer, etal) are a class act, the articles are top rate, and they adhere to a photography/photographer-first ethical standard that I relate too heavily. I feel this is a great matchup of like-minds and I'm proud to be a new contributing author and member of the team. I will update my blog when I publish articles on the site there as they happen. I am excited, grateful, and proud to be a part of such wonderful company. More to come soon. Stay focused. -Carl

Friday, March 31, 2023

Pentax K1 Mark III: What Ricoh Should Do Next

Pentax K1 Mark III: What Ricoh Should Do Next
March 2023, Carl Garrard

As I put the finishing touches on my K3 Mark III part IV and V articles, I wanted to take a quick break and discuss what I think should be Ricoh's next move. Slowly over the last eight years or so Ricoh has done a decent job bringing in modern optic full frame lenses for their apex full frame cameras. From ultrawide to macro to super telephoto, they have at least one Pentax branded lens representing each category with their zooms, and they also have a few choice primes being sprinkled in there as well. While modern lens lineup isn't that robust, there are many used options from the full frame film days as well. The point being, Ricoh have enough lenses to support a K1 Mark III as is, and it wouldn't take much for them to kick out a few more choice full frame modern optics either. With that said, I'm not fortune teller but if there was a way to bet in Vegas on what Ricoh are working on currently, I'd throw my money down on a K1 II successor. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Photographic Central's Future

Photographic Central's Future
March 2023, Carl Garrard

Just shy of nine months ago a career pivot has dominated more of my personal energy and time than I had forecast, thus making for less personal time to complete review projects here on PC than I'd ultimately like. Bread on the table is my number one priority, and something of which I'm sure readers here can relate and understand completely. With that said, I want to mention that I have multiple projects started on older and newer cameras alike and they are all simultaneously in the works. Now I'd love to have nothing but free time to complete all of these projects, especially some that are most near and dear to me, but life doesn't always work out as we plan. Saving any suspense, I have no plans of shutting down my site or to stop writing reviews and articles about camera gear and photography, quite the opposite in fact.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

DPReview Shutting Down: Burning A Historic Library

DPReview Shutting Down: Burning A Historic Library
March 2023, Carl Garrard

WTF. That was the first thought I had when I read the headline DPReview was shutting down, as I'm sure many others shared a similar train of thought. I don't know the real reasons for the shut down of the internets largest community of photographic related content and users. Layoffs and cutbacks are not reasons I accept in this case, I repeat, I do not accept this and neither should you. DPReview could easily be sold through crowdfunding, to a highest bidder, the list of alternatives is staggering. And yet, Amazon is just wiping 25 years of information, contribution, wisdom, sharing, you name it... right off the grid. That takes a pretty soulless decision to do something like that, its the equivalent of burning the Vatican or another historic library right to the ground. This news shocked me in a way that hit my core being, and to the point that I couldn't find the words to describe how I was feeling or what I actually wanted to say. Well a good nights sleep is good for the brain and I woke up today pissed. 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Nikon D800 Review: A Legendary Nikon DSLR

Nikon D800 Review: A Legendary Nikon DSLR
March 2023, Carl Garrard

Back in November of 2022, I wrote a small piece about my four favorite Nikon DSLR's. Some of my opinions have changed a bit since then, and some have remained. The reason for these changes is due to spending more quality time with those cameras in that article. I have also added a few more Nikon DSLR's during that time as well. So yeah, I've been busy shooting with a lot with Nikon gear in the last couple of years. And through trial and error I have also continued to fine tune my lens lineup as well. I've ironed out what I want each camera to do for my photography. Much experimentation has resulted in setting up my Nikon's DSLR's with an ideal combination of custom configurations and settings. And during that process something wonderful has happened... an increasing understanding, respect, admiration, and appreciation of the Nikon D800. As it turns out, the D800 happened to be quite a surprise all rounder- something I didn't understand it to be when I first purchased one. NIKON D800 Used Prices

Monday, December 19, 2022

News: Pentax Brand Launching A Film Camera Project (Updated Jan 1, 2023)

Now this is what I call photo industry news. Ricoh has decided to launch a Pentax Brand Film Camera Project:

Film popularity has only been increasing while digital popularity has been decreasing. This is a bold and exciting move from Pentax. And while I doubt film will ever become as popular as digital, it has enough popularity and movement to be considered lucrative for the brand- and for photographers alike. Read the article, and great job Pentax!

Update: I decided to add a link to a great video on Pentax cameras, A History of Pentax. I highly recommend watching this video as it is an important sort of addendum to the new announcement from Pentax, and you will not regret time spent soaking up this great information.

Happy New Year, and here's hoping for a wonderful 2023. Stay focused.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Coming Soon, Parts IV and V

Coming Soon, Review Parts IV and V
November 2022, Carl Garrard

I haven't forgot. Stay tuned. Stay focused.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

My Favorite Nikon DSLRS: Df, D610, D500, and D800

My Favorite Nikon DSLRS: Df, D610, D500, and D800 
November 2022, Carl Garrard

My inspiration for this article arose from the personal experiences I'vd had over the last few years with my favorite Nikon DSLR's. This article is by no means an attempt to sway anyone's opinion of, nor defend my purchases for, these four Nikon cameras. Rather, I decided that it was important to share my opinions with other photographers. Mostly it is intended for those who are newer to photography or to those photographers that are  reorganizing a new kit. Frankly, at times we can all use some experienced wisdom or insight in order to help us decide on what gear to outfit ourselves with. As such, it's important to anyone reading this to know that I have owned almost every single DSLR in Nikon's inventory (with exception to the D5/6 and D850). In addition, I own multiple camera systems from multiple companies, and for fifteen years I've been reviewing as many digital cameras and lenses on the internet as possible. This does not take into account any and all previous experience I've had prior to reviewing digital cameras online. I have been a photographer for nearly 32 years now (in one form or another). Therefore it's my hope that sharing my thoughts are then at least somewhat helpful to other photographers out there looking for an honest opinion, all whilst simultaneously trying to navigate their way through the maze of gear choices and other opinions in the internet toilet. Trust me, I know it's not easy.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Fujifilm X-PRO 1 Review: A Decade Old, Better Than Ever

Fujifilm X-PRO 1 Review: A Decade Old, Better Than Ever
June 2022, Carl Garrard

Hope you don't mind, but I think a little reminiscing is necessary before I get into the meat of this review. I think that is vital to set up the context of this article. So with that said, lets just jump in and start at the beginning. Way back in January 2012 was the first time that I used the Fujifilm X-Pro1, and I can remember that experience like it was yesterday. It was a chilly early morning in Las Vegas Nevada, I was attending the 2012 CES show after a five hour drive from Southern California. I was one of the first in line to get in the show. When the doors opened I made a beeline straight to the Fujifilm booth. Fortunate or, maybe because I hustled, I was one of the first to be able to spend a couple of productive hours of time with a group of Fujifilm folk there, learning about and testing all their new cameras. Although a couple of hours doesn't sound like a lot of time, trust me when I say that it is, especially when you are attending a packed shoulder to shoulder electronics show event. The experience that I had with the staff there at that counter was very positive, they answered so many of my questions (the best that they could) and never rushed me to give the cameras back. Most of that time was spent with the X-Pro1. Fujifilm X-Pro 1 Used and New Prices

Thursday, May 26, 2022

PENTAX K5II Review: If You Had To Pick One...

PENTAX K5II Review: If You Had To Pick One...
May 2022, Carl Garrard

Pentax DSLR's have brought me so many fond memories. But the state of our camera market is such that DSLRs will likely become a rarity one day. Camera manufacturers are beset on mirrorless as the future, and that becomes more evident by the day. Only Pentax has shown a dedication to keeping a DSLR in production, but lets face it, they are a small dedicated brand with a proportionally small but equally dedicated base of photographers. I have always loved Pentax cameras, I've owned every single Pentax DSLR ever made. But the time has come to make room on my shelves. And in doing so I have decided to sell off a huge portion of my camera "collection" that I have from all manufacturers, not just Pentax. In the end, the goal was to keep only my very favorites from each manufacturer I own. 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Review 2021 (Part 1)

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Review 2021 (Part 1)
November 2021, Carl Garrard
My review of the 1D Mark IV is a culmination of over two years of proud ownership and experience. Before I dive in though, I must say that it doesn't seem appropriate to write a review about the Canon 1D Mark IV without having first given a nod of  respect to the important heritage of the 1D series digital cameras. All of them have a nearly impeccable reputation amongst the most demanding photographers in their (relatively) short 21 year history. Mostly, this is due to the fact that these same photographers have worked in the most demanding of all situations and climates. Sometimes even life and death situations. And when the reliability of your gear is that important, photographers have consistently reached out for Canon's 1D DSLR's to get the job done. My own personal photography experience has never been as important as life and death, yet the expectations I have of my gear, like many other photographers, are still very high. And when I need a camera to perform better, more consistently, and with the greatest of fluidity, I find that it's nearly impossible to find better cameras than the 1D series for those demands.  Therefore it's my assessment that the numero uno in Canon's naming convention isn't just mere coincidence. It stands for something. They truly are amongst the best cameras that you will ever use.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Pentax K-01: A Marc Newson Sequel?

Pentax K-01: A Marc Newson Sequel?
October 2021, Carl Garrard
Of all the digital cameras that have come out in the last two decades or so, Pentax's K-01 is amongst a small and distinguished fraternity of cameras that received the most criticism upon announcement. Yup, it's right up there with the Hassleblad Lunar and HV, which take the top spots as the most repulsive camera offerings of all. But does the K-01 deserve as much criticism as it received? The short answer is equally yes and no. For every faceplant reaction and "wtf?"criticism armchair quarterbacks gave this camera, there are equally as many staunch and loyal supporters of its somewhat radical design. What I'm attempting to do with this article is to find common ground between the two extremes, because often enough the truth can usually be found somewhere in the middle. I will also go out on a limb and propose that Ricoh make a sequel to the K-01 because it had so much potential!

Monday, May 31, 2021

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 3

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 3
May 2021, Carl Garrard
Part III  in the K3 Mk III series, I'll go over build quality, ergonomics, and features. And I just have to take a moment to say that I'm really pleased to be doing a comprehensive review series on this camera. Ricoh's Pentax K3 Mk III is entirely new from the ground up, with every aspect of its design having been redesigned and improved compared to it's K3 predecessors (and previous Pentax DSLRs), one short review would not cut it. Quite honestly there's been more of a learning curve with the K3 Mk III than I expected. Sure it's still mostly familiar like most Pentax DSLRs, but there's a lot of new stuff here. So when I decided to do an in depth review like this, I realized that I really needed to dig into it, report its fine points, and test everything from the ground up. I think that's the only way you're really going to get to know a camera from the outside in. So far, and to my surprise, there haven't been any stick-out-like-a-sore-thumb moments with the K3 Mk III. There have been  no disappointments that reside in my personal deal breaker category.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 2

Pentax K3 Mk III Review Series 2
May 2021, Carl Garrard

Ricoh's Pentax K3 Mk III is an impressive, gargantuan effort. Especially so considering that the world has been in crazy lock down mode for well over a year now. Despite that, Ricoh has been hard at work behind the scenes. From its engineers to the I.T department, to its marketing department and i's production facilities, Ricoh was on a mission to bring the K3 Mk III to the world. The depth of the effort that went into this camera's release is more apparent the more I spend time reading about it. I don't recall ever seeing so many pro photographers chiming in about a Pentax camera so soon after its release, whether that's the photographers on Ricoh's special website, or all of the others I'm seeing on the net. I'm quickly getting the impression here that the K3 Mk III represents more than just a new DSLR release, it also represents photographers who appreciate a DSLR's unique capabilities and heritage. Ricoh pushed back, and said no to conformity, and I for one, and all for it. I decided that with as much effort that Ricoh made to bring this camera to us, so too will be the effort that I make to review it properly. Feel free to skip past the Open Mic section if you don't want to hear my thoughts on the market reception of the K3 Mk III thus far.